Welcome to PTC-Money - Real money - Trusted sites

Paid to Click (PTC) sites have become very popular in the past few years. 
The reasons why so many people joined the PTC program because of it simplicity, 
absolutely 100 percent FREE to join and the 
easiest way to make money online.

Scam Sites

Still active, Not recommended, Non-paying sites:

  1. 10dollarclick.com
  2. 50dollarclick.com
  3. bigmoneyptc.com
  4. bux.to
  5. buxtrio.com
  6. buxwizard.com
  7. dollargpt.com
  8. dollarptr.com
  9. fineptc.com
  10. gagabux.com!!!
  11. iconbux.com
  12. moneysan.com
  13. neodollar.com
  14. openbux.com
  15. ptc-investigation
  16. ptc00.com
  17. ptc25.com
  18. ptc35.com
  19. ptc50.com
  20. ptc75.com
  21. sixdollarclick.com
  22. wazzub.com
  23. winnerbux.com

1 comment:

  1. -no login to click (cannot forget to click)
    -over million paid, hundreds of thousands members
    -proof by my self
    -many daily ads

    This is long term PTC for serious click business..
